(As published in the Times of Acadiana ... )
Dwight Yoakam
Population Me
Yoakam’s musical stock has sunk as his Hollywood stock has risen, a fact of which he’s no doubt aware and which probably explains why he’s started his own label and begun afresh. Every one of these ten musically rawboned songs is so intimately conversant with a loneliness it’s hard to believe he feels that even more than his films they suggest he really might be a born actor. Or maybe a born accountant: Given the Dixie Chicks’ dwindling sales, there’s commercial shrewdness in making President Bush’s hometown sound good in the otherwise apolitical “Fair to Midland.” Rating: Four slung blades out of five.
Dwight Yoakam

Population Me
Yoakam’s musical stock has sunk as his Hollywood stock has risen, a fact of which he’s no doubt aware and which probably explains why he’s started his own label and begun afresh. Every one of these ten musically rawboned songs is so intimately conversant with a loneliness it’s hard to believe he feels that even more than his films they suggest he really might be a born actor. Or maybe a born accountant: Given the Dixie Chicks’ dwindling sales, there’s commercial shrewdness in making President Bush’s hometown sound good in the otherwise apolitical “Fair to Midland.” Rating: Four slung blades out of five.
Where do you get his facts about his stock sinking. He released two other albums after these which both sold very well. He's also been touring to sold out crowds all summer. Check out his Facebook page and get an idea of how large a fan following he still has -- and the new fans he's getting with his summer touring.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you, though -- this album was one of his best.